Sherborne Girls


Sherborne Girls Location

Sherborne GirlsSherborne Girls






Northern England



We aim to develop the unique gifts of each girl by providing an environment and curriculum through which all members of the school will flourish. This is expressed in the clear expectation that girls will achieve good academic results, but alongside significant achievements and enjoyment in their chosen extra curricular activities. We hope that every girl will develop a particular interest, whether intellectual, cultural or sporting, about which she will be passionate and in which she can seek personal fulfillment. Girls are given excellent career and Higher Education advice and are prepared for both University and the world beyond. We believe that our students enjoy their time at Sherborne Girls and leave as self-reliant, confident individuals, ready for the challenges ahead.

Unique Points

Both Sherborne Girls (SG) and Sherborne School (SS) have their own ethos, reputation and traditions. SG and SS are both committed to the idea that academic education at the senior school level (especially in the 13 -16 year age range) is best carried out in a single-sex environment. Both SG and SS remain independent of each other with their own teaching and administrative staff responsible to the governing bodies of each school for high standards of achievment in academic, cultural, pastoral and sporting activities.

Entry Requirements

Speakers of English as an Additional Language are set EAL entrance papers. There are separate papers for Lower School and Sixth Form. Lower School will sit papers in English, Maths and Science and Sixth form will sit subject specific papers.

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خدمة SI-UK سريعة وموثوقة وفعالة. مستشاروهم هم متخصصون يعملون عن كثب مع جميع جامعات المملكة المتحدة ومن خلال مشورة مستشاري والمساعدة في تقديم الطلبات ، تمكنت من تلقي عروض من جامعاتي المفضلة.

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