Truro School


Truro School Location

Truro SchoolTruro School






Northern England



Truro School aims to enable its pupils to discover what they are capable of achieving and to produce young people who are confident, happy, honest and decent, who want to succeed, who know how to organise themselves and work hard.

The curriculum at Truro School has three main objectives. Firstly, the school aims to stimulate curiosity and to inspire our pupils to a life-long interest in learning. Secondly, the school aims to equip pupils with the essential skills that will enable them to tackle future learning with confidence and to succeed in whatever careers they choose. Finally, the school aims to allow older pupils the chance to experience many subjects and then specialise in their chosen field. As pupils progress up through the school, they have an increasing range of choices and in the Sixth Form they have an entirely free choice of A-level subjects.

All teaching is done by highly qualified subject specialists and in well-resourced subject areas.

But academic success is not all that we offer our pupils. We also give them the opportunities and confidence they need to find out where their own talents can take them through a wide range of extra-curricular activities in sport, music, drama, art, D of E and over 40 other after-school clubs.

Unique Points

Truro School is a Christian School and we aim to ensure that Christian values permeate school life. We support our pupils against the pressures they will face and help them to cultivate the self-confidence so crucial in adolescent development.
High quality teaching helps them to realise their academic potential so that they take the best possible results into a qualification-conscious world but, equally significantly, pupils are encouraged to acquire skills, confidence and leadership qualities through participating in a broad range of cultural and physical activities and by taking on various responsibilities.

Entry Requirements

All students entering Years 7- 10 are required to pass the Truro School entrance examination in Maths and English. Entry to the Sixth Form is based on predicted grades at GCSE or equivalent and a written essay

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خدمة SI-UK سريعة وموثوقة وفعالة. مستشاروهم هم متخصصون يعملون عن كثب مع جميع جامعات المملكة المتحدة ومن خلال مشورة مستشاري والمساعدة في تقديم الطلبات ، تمكنت من تلقي عروض من جامعاتي المفضلة.

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