جامعة بيدفوردشير
جامعة بيدفوردشير


جامعة بيدفوردشير Ranking



جامعة بيدفوردشير Location

South England

جامعة بيدفوردشير


University Ranking




South England


High Achievers Undergraduate Scholarship for Nepal
Scholarship Name High Achievers Undergraduate Scholarship for Nepal
Academic Year 2025
Scholarship amount £3000

Our High Achievers Undergraduate Scholarship for Nepal is worth £3000 off international tuition fees for each year of study. To receive the award, the below criteria must be met. Applicants must be:

  • Classed as International/Overseas fee-payer status. Home fee paying students are not eligible.

  • Achieve 75% or more in the Nepalese Year 12 exams.

  • Applying for the first year of an undergraduate course at level 4 (first year). Applicants looking to enter at level 5 or 6 are not eligible as they would not be entering on the basis of an eligible qualification.

  • Students who are successful in being awarded the bursary will not be eligible for any other scholarships or bursaries, but will be eligible for the prompt payment discounts on tuition fees.

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