جامعة برمنغهام سيتي
جامعة برمنغهام سيتي


جامعة برمنغهام سيتي Ranking



جامعة برمنغهام سيتي Location

Central England

جامعة برمنغهام سيتي جامعة برمنغهام سيتي


University Ranking




Central England


Undergraduate Scholarships
Scholarship Name Undergraduate Scholarships
Academic Year 2025
Scholarship amount Up to £2,000
Nationality Any

Every year, we provide merit-based scholarships recognising the talents of our international students. These scholarships are discounted against the cost of your first year's tuition fees.

All international students enrolling on an undergraduate course in September will be eligible for a scholarship of up to £2,000, discounted from your first year's tuition fees. This scholarship is awarded based on your academic background.

Students progressing from Foundation and International Year One courses at BCUIC are not eligible for scholarships.

The following courses are exempt from a scholarship:

  • ACCA.

  • Nursing and Midwifery courses.

  • Conservatoire and BSA courses (Music and Theatre).

  • Short courses that are less than one academic year.

  • Part-time or distance learning.

  • Study Abroad programmes.

  • Exchange programmes.

  • Pre-sessional English.

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