جامعة نوتنغهام ترنت
جامعة نوتنغهام ترنت


جامعة نوتنغهام ترنت  Ranking



جامعة نوتنغهام ترنت  Location

Central England

جامعة نوتنغهام ترنت


University Ranking




Central England


NTU Excellence Scholarships
Scholarship Name NTU Excellence Scholarships
Academic Year 2025
Scholarship amount 50% or 25% off your first year tuition fees
Scholarship Deadline 18 June 2025

Our NTU Excellence Scholarships are competitive and will be awarded based on the strength of your application.


  • 50% or 25% off your first year tuition fees, plus 3,000 for each subsequent year of your course.


  • 50% or 25% off your first year tuition fees.

For example if your tuition fee was £24,500 and you were awarded a 50% scholarship, your new tuition fee would be £12,250.

Deadlines for September 2025 entry:

  • Wednesday 29 January 2025, 16:00 GMT

  • Wednesday 26 February, 16:00 GMT

  • Wednesday 26 March, 16:00 GMT

  • Wednesday 30 April, 16:00 GMT

  • Wednesday 18 June, 16:00 GMT

Terms and Conditions

To be eligible for an NTU International Scholarship award, you must:

  • Have an offer of a place on an eligible course at Nottingham Trent University.

  • Be classed as an overseas student for tuition fee purposes (‘international student’).

  • Be due to enrol on the first year of a new course of study (or year 2 or 3 of an undergraduate course in the case of advanced entry) in September 2025. International students enrolled before September 2025 and due to progress onto the second, third or fourth year of their course of study in September 2025, or repeating the first year of study, are not eligible to apply.

الاضافة الى المفضلة
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