جامعة نوتنغهام ترنت
جامعة نوتنغهام ترنت


جامعة نوتنغهام ترنت  Ranking



جامعة نوتنغهام ترنت  Location

Central England

جامعة نوتنغهام ترنت


University Ranking




Central England


Country and School Scholarships
Scholarship Name Country and School Scholarships
Academic Year 2025

We have a range of country and school scholarships available to undergraduate and postgraduate students. These scholarship are competitive and will be awarded based on the strength of your application.


  • Sri Lanka Scholarship: £4,000 for each year of study, excluding any placement years.

  • Taiwan Scholarship: £5,000 for the first year of study.

  • Taiwan STEM Scholarship: 50% of tuition fee for the first year of study.

  • USA Excellence Scholarship: 25% or 50% of tuition fee, plus £3,000 for each subsequent year of your course excluding any placement years.


  • Ghana Law School Scholarship: 50% of tuition fee

  • LLM Scholarships (Vietnam, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa): 50% of tuition fee

  • Makerere Uganda Scholarship: 100% of tuition fee

  • Postgraduate Scholarships for Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Latin America and Caribbean, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Serbia, Turkey: £4,000

  • Postgraduate Scholarship for Korea, Pakistan, Vietnam. Taiwan: £5,000

  • Taiwan STEM Scholarship: 50% of tuition fee

  • Women in Computer Science: 50% of tuition fee

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