جامعة ستيرلنج
جامعة ستيرلنج


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جامعة ستيرلنج جامعة ستيرلنج


University Ranking






Undergraduate Malaysia Scholarship
Scholarship Name Undergraduate Malaysia Scholarship
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount £5,000 Per Year

Our Undergraduate Malaysia Scholarship offers eligible students £5,000 per year (£20,000 over four years) towards the payment of annual fees.

Key facts

Value of awards : £20,000.

We love welcoming students from all over the world to the University of Stirling, and our Undergraduate Malaysia Scholarship offers eligible students £5,000 per year (£20,000 over four years) towards the payment of annual fees.

If you are eligible for this award, your annual fee payments will automatically be reduced by £5,000. 

If you need a student visa, you will still be required to pay the International Tuition Fee Deposit as part of the standard admissions process.

Eligibility and availability

  • You must be classed as an International student for tuition fee purposes.

  • You must be living in Malaysia at the point of application.

  • You must have received a conditional or unconditional offer of admission for an eligible full-time undergraduate degree course, delivered at the University’s Stirling campus.

  • This scholarship cannot be combined with any other University of Stirling scholarship.

  • You must be a new student starting at the University in September 2024 or January 2025.

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