جامعة إيست أنجليا
جامعة إيست أنجليا


جامعة إيست أنجليا Ranking



جامعة إيست أنجليا Location

East England

جامعة إيست أنجليا


University Ranking




East England


International UG Merit Scholarship
Scholarship Name International UG Merit Scholarship
Academic Year 2025
Scholarship amount £4,000 per year of study

This scholarship is an automatic award for students paying overseas fees joining an eligible undergraduate programme at UEA in September 2025.

This award is worth:

£4,000 for every year of study excluding placement years, years in industry or years or semesters abroad or any other occasion where a student is not paying the full Overseas fee.

This will be deducted from tuition fees on an annual basis.

The total value of scholarship will NOT be deducted from one single year of study.

Eligibility Criteria

You are eligible for an International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship under these Terms if you meet all these criteria:

  • You are an Overseas fee-paying student. If the fee status changes during your course, the scholarship will be removed and you will be invoiced for this amount.

  • Scholarships do not remove the requirement to pay the International deposit, by the publicised deadline.

  • Students sponsored for full tuition fees by an outside body or government organisation are not eligible for this scholarship. However, students applying for, or expecting to receive, government loans are eligible.

  • This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with another UEA scholarship (except specific partner institution scholarships) but can be used in conjunction with an Early Payment Award.

Eligible courses

Except for the courses set out below, Scholarships will be offered for full time, campus based, credit-bearing undergraduate courses studied at UEA, commencing in September 2025.

  • The following courses are not eligible for these scholarships:

    • Courses run by our partner INTO UEA

    • UEA accredited degree courses run by partner institutions.

    • Courses with an International Year One taught at INTO UEA - BA Business Management with International Year One, BA Media and International Development with International Year One, BA Marketing and Management with International Year One and BSc Economics and Finance with International Year One.

    • Final Year only courses – BSc Computing Science with Software Development (Final Year Entry), BA International Business Management (Final Year Entry), BSc Accounting and Finance (Final Year Entry) and BA Marketing and Management (Final Year Entry)

    • Degree Apprenticeship courses run by UEA on behalf of employers.

    • MBBS Medicine and BSc Medical Research

    • BSc Physiotherapy and BSc Occupational Therapy

Scholarships will be paid for each year of study excluding placement years, years in industry or years or semesters abroad or any other occasion where a student is not paying the full Overseas fee.

Type of Course

Total Value Range


£4,000 per year of study

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