جامعة ليفربول
جامعة ليفربول


جامعة ليفربول Ranking



جامعة ليفربول Location

North England

جامعة ليفربول


University Ranking




North England


Hodgson Law Scholarship
Scholarship Name Hodgson Law Scholarship
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount Full Tuition Fees and a Stipend of £9,207
Nationality Any
Scholarship Deadline 1 May 2025

The Hodgson Law Scholarship, which has been made possible through the generous benefaction of Elizabeth Hodgson, widow of the Liverpool Solicitor Joseph Hodgson, who expressed a wish to advance the education and training of lawyers who might work for the benefit of Merseyside.


The Scholarship includes full tuition fees for a full-time postgraduate taught degree in law (LLM), and a stipend of £9,207.

Open to

The Scholarship is available to all prospective Overseas candidates (i.e. non UK, non EU) intending to pursue a postgraduate taught degree in law at the University of Liverpool.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must have completed or be in the final year of completion of a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent degree at a minimum 2.1 (UK Upper Second) or equivalent standard and have an excellent standard of English.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate:

  • Academic excellence.

  • Evidence of an interest in legal and public service which may benefit the Liverpool City Region.

  • Potential and ambition for future leadership.

  • That they are not otherwise able to undertake a postgraduate degree at either institution.

Application deadline: 1 May 2025.

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